Page 5 - Estonian-SIC-Smartly-on-the-Web-VII-Summary
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 • Podcasts for young people in cooperation with Teeviit: Digitaalsed jõhkrused“ (podcast about cyberbullying) (juuni 2023) „Minu andmed, minu vara“ (podcast about data protection) (veebruar 2023) „Mis on digisõltuvus ja kuidas sellest vabaks saada“ (podcast about online addiction and overuse) (veebruar 2024). Podcast in cooperation with children´s rights ambassadors „Noored internetis“ (podcast about the work of a webpolice and advice how to stay safe online) (mai 2024).
Awareness raising materials for parents
In each year, EUCW develops and disseminates thematic awareness raising resources and videos for parents, which can be found on parents section of the Estonian SIC website: Topics added in the last two years: when a child gets his own smart device, agreement with a child, screen time, sexting, etc:
• Video „Giving a digital device to a child: recommendations for agreements“ („Digiseadme andmine lapsele: soovitused kokkulepeteks“), videos are in Estonian, English and Russian;
• Video „Giving smart device to a child“ („Nutivahendi andmine lapsele: ohutus“). Video is in
Estonian, English and Russian;
• Video „Sexting“ („Sekstimine“);
• Videos of webinars for parents: „How we are really doing online?“ (Kuidas meil internetis
päriselt läheb?), „Sexting and online risks: how to find out what is not OK“ (Sekstimine ja ohud internetis: kuidas aru saada, mis pole OK?“, „When a child gets his/her first smart device“ (Kui laps saab endale oma nutiseadme);
• Podcast for parents „Children digital well-being and mental health“ („Laste digitaalne heaolu ja vaimne tervis“;
• Educational resource: Screentime (Ekraaniaeg);
• Educational resource: Sexting (Sekstimine).
During the project period, 13 newsletters about the activities and results of the project were sent to the target group. Newsletters can be found:
Estonian SIC website
All developed resources have been uploaded to the Estonian Safer Internet Centre´s website The website has the main website with the user-friendly webpage for children and the user-friendly webpage for young people and website with different online safety exercises Special sections are also for parents and teachers.
Awareness raising events
Cyber security testing events in schools
• KüberPuuring 2022 for 7-12 grade students (participants: 4086 students), report in Estonian: KüberPuuring 2022;

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