Page 4 - Estonian-SIC-Smartly-on-the-Web-VII-Summary
P. 4

 • Teacher edition of an online game “Greatest courage” (“Suurim julgus” õpetajate versioon) to discuss different situations related to data protection and online safety isssues in schools.
• Lesson plan “AI and safety” (“Tehisintellekt ja turvalisus”) for teachers about challenges and risks related to using AI, and how to discuss it with students.
• Cybergame “Inclusive Cyber Security” (Inclusive SC eetika kübermäng). Inclusive CS - The GAME is a cyber security-themed search game where you can challenge yourself. The game has 50 search or discussion tasks. Inclusive Cyber Security means - access, diversity, equity, inclusion, culturally responsive, universal, and intersectionality.
• Cyber Escape Room methodology (Küberpõgenemistuba Targalt internetis) for teachers and 5-12 grade students. In cyber escape rooms students must solve different type of exercises related to cybersecurity and online safety issues, which improves students´ digital skills and problem solving skills.
Education and awareness raising materials for children and youngsters
• Educational digital resource „Robot Otto Smartly on the Web“ (Robot Otto targalt internetis) for 6-10 grade students. It consists of 24 tasks in which the robot OTTO guides the child through online world and introduces opportunities and risks related to the digital technologies. Child can use this resource independently or with the parent/teacher.
• Each year Smartly on the Web online advent calendar has been launched on the Smartly on the Web website for the youngest users of internet. Smartly on the Web Advent Calendar 2022 with 24 online safety tips for 6-10 year old children and Smartly on the Web with Robot Otto Advent Calendar 2023 with 24 online safety issues and exercises for 6-10 year old children.
• Guidelines for students about using artificial intelligence“ (Soovitused õpilastele: tehisintellekti kasutamine õppetöös).
• 25 new cyber security exercises (Küberturbe ülesanded õpilastele) which can be found on the website
• Posters „Ole targalt internetis“ (Be Smartly Online) with online safety messages for younger students.

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