Page 7 - Estonian-SIC-Smartly-on-the-Web-VII-Summary
P. 7

 privacy settings, data protection, security, mental health, overuse and the pros and cons of using AI technology.
Teacher trainings
A diverse learning environment and learner-driven learning are important strategic objectives in the Estonian Education Strategy 2021-2035. The employees of educational institutions must, among other things, create a learning environment and organizational culture that supports students development and health, is secure and co-operative and promotes equal opportunities. In support of this strategic objective, online digital training courses were organized for teachers, educational technologists and school leaders on the following topics: learning skills development and support for mental and physical health through digital solutions; use of artificial intelligence in teaching and implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); ensuring digital security in schools and kindergartens. A total of 18 trainings by Education and Youth Board took place within the project, involving 459 teachers, educational technologists and school leaders, of whom 375 participants completed the training (percentage of graduates 82%). In addition, 185 teachers completed internal digital training. In addition, Tallinn University of Technology carried out training event for teachers: CTF training for teachers (24 participants) and How to educate cybertalents in schools (24 participants).
Conference „Smartly on the Web: Digital Well-Being and Mental Health“
For Safer Internet Day 2024, the Estonian Union for Child Welfare, the Education and Youth Board, Tallinn University of Technology, and Telia Estonia jointly organised a thematic conference titled Smartly on the web: digital well-being and mental health. The conference focused on digital well- being and using the internet and digital technologies safely, smartly, and with more balance.
 The conference featured eight workshops to introduce new tools and methods that could be used in classrooms with children and young people. Examples include ySKILLS educational materials promoting the digital skills of young people, the evidence-based mental health game Triumfland Saga for children, and learning cybersecurity via the Spoofy game. The conference also featured various keynote speakers including teachers, academics, and ministry advisers. The conference concluded with a panel discussion which focused on cooperation between families and schools to promote students’ digital skills, and safer and healthier use of digital technology.

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