Page 3 - Estonian-SIC-Smartly-on-the-Web-VII-Summary
P. 3

 Awareness raising activities
During the period of 01.06.2022-31.05.2024 Estonian Safer Internet Centre developed and provided educational and awareness raising materials and awareness raising events for teachers, children, young people and parents.
Awareness raising resources
Educational resources for teachers
• Digital resource: Smartly on the web ABC in my kindergarten
The aim of the digital resource is to support the knowledge and skills of educational technologists and internal educators of kindergartens in their organization to teach digital safety issues to the teachers, children, parents and, also kindergarten management teams. Digital resource covers four main topics: wellbeing and health, safety of digital devices, personal data protection, environmental protection. The materials contain 20 different modules, including theory slides, worksheets, methodological instructions for the educator, references to additional reading etc.
• Digital resource: Smartly on the web ABC in my school
The aim of the digital resource is to support the knowledge and skills of educational technologists and internal school educators in their organization to teach digital safety issues to the teachers. Digital resource covers the following topics: basic digital hygiene, digital clean up, dark web, digital wellbeing, my information assets, passwords and authentication, false information, security of smart devices etc. Materials contain different modules, including theory slides, worksheets, methodological instructions for the educator, references to additional reading etc.
• Digital grains (small learning objects)
The topic of security is regularly discussed in the small learning objects format of the Education and Youth Board - weekly short grains of wisdom to support digital competence, which are shared in the Digiterad Facebook group. During the project period, 63 new digital grains were created, which received more than 212,000 views.
• An online educational material for schools „Data, safety and digital waste“ (Andmed, turvalisus ja digiprügi“) which focuses primarily on data protection principles and cybersecurity challenges. It contains guidelines for schools on the implementation of data protection requirements, distance learning and online safety issues, different cases with discussions etc.

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