More than 8500 students all over Estonia participate in the Safer Internet Day events
09.02.2021 - 28.02.2021
On the Safer Internet Day, February 9, many kindergartens, schools, youth centres and libraries are carrying out awareness events for and with children and students all over Estonia. A lot of them have informed Estonian Safer Internet Center about their... -
This year, 270 kindergartens, schools and youth centres all over Estonia celebrated Safer Internet Day
03.02.2020 - 28.02.2020
Under the initiative of the "Smartly on the Web" project, schools, and youth centres were invited to celebrate the Safer Internet Day and to organise e-safety events for children and young people during February. We are pleased to announce that,... -
„Smartly on the Web“ Youth Panels’ autumn
„Smartly on the Web“ Youth Panels’ autumn seminar took place on 3rd and 4th of November 2017 in Kloogaranna Youth Camp. During the two-days seminar youngsters completed their knowledge and skills to cope safely and smartly in the digital world.... -
Report about illegal content via www.vihjeliin.ee
The rapid development of the Internet has created new and useful opportunities for all of us, but unfortunately there are people among the two billion-plus Internet users whose online activities are inappropriate or dangerous to children. Some of them use... -
Web safety courses for teachers
In the framework of „Targalt Internetis“ project, the Information Technology Foundation for Education is organizing 3 web safety courses on October 24th. The courses are prepared based on the needs of teachers, as the questions and problems teachers face in...
Teavitusmaterjalide kogumikust leiate infot:
- laste seas populaarsete rakenduste kohta;
- teemad, mida laste ja noortega arutada, et nad oskaksid teha internetis teadlikumaid valikuid;
- tööriistad – ülesanded, videod, mängud jpm, mida koos laste ja noortega teemade käsitlemiseks ja teemade üle arutamiseks kasutada.