Cyber security game for children – Spoofy
As a result of the cooperation between CGI and Telia, the cyber security computer game Spoofy has been born. Spoofy teaches children about Internet dangers, online behavior, and other topics related to smart devices. The target group of the game is younger school-age children and, together with an adult, also preschoolers. It is an adventure… -
Smartly on the Web youth seminar in real life – a place for new ideas
On August 22-24, a youth summer seminar Smartly on the Web took place in Nelijärve recreation Centre. The summer seminar aimed at discussing the future and role of the Internet from the perspective of young people. During the seminar, workshops were held on recognizing misinformation, what to do with digital waste and what is the… -
More than 8500 students all over Estonia participate in the Safer Internet Day events
On the Safer Internet Day, February 9, many kindergartens, schools, youth centres and libraries are carrying out awareness events for and with children and students all over Estonia. A lot of them have informed Estonian Safer Internet Center about their activities. We have placed them on a map. For example, they carry out thematic discussions,… -
Let`s do our best that lies are short lived also on the internet – together for better internet
Each year, we focus on one topical issue when celebrating Safer Internet Day in Estonia. Safer Internet Day this year will pay particular attention to misinformation. To this end, we organize: A media campaign entitled “Let`s do our best that lies are short lived also on the Internet” whose objective is to draw attention how…
Teavitusmaterjalide kogumikust leiate infot:
- laste seas populaarsete rakenduste kohta;
- teemad, mida laste ja noortega arutada, et nad oskaksid teha internetis teadlikumaid valikuid;
- tööriistad – ülesanded, videod, mängud jpm, mida koos laste ja noortega teemade käsitlemiseks ja teemade üle arutamiseks kasutada.