Safer Internet Day activities in Estonia
The Estonian Safer Internet Center sent out an invitation to schools, kindergartens and youth centers to celebrate Safer Internet Day. All organisations who sent the information about the awareness raising events they will organize in the framework of Safer Internet Day were placed on the map of Estonia and they will receive a diploma. Information… -
Digital Safety Game
The idea of the game is to learn more about digital safety. The goal is to answer as many questions as possible and win after accumulating a required number of cards. The game is designed so the inquirer has to formulate a question and evaluate whether the answer is correct or not. Discussions and real… -
Today is the European Day on Protecting Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Material depicting the sexual exploitation of minors and its distribution, use and production violate the rights, dignity and physical inviolability of the child victims it involves. Vihjeliin’ (www.vihjeliin.ee) is a free online service of the Estonian Union for Child Welfare which enables Internet users to provide information about material being distributed online which depicts illegal… -
A teacher’s thoughts on the Safer Internet Forum
Riina Timberg Project „Smartly on the Web“ trainer Informatics and Human Studies teacher at Sindi Gymnasium Preparations The international Safer Internet Forum took place in Brussels on October 17th-18th. During the two days prior to the forum, Lee Marion Lepik and I participated in the activities of the youth and parents/teachers panels. These preparations were… -
Safer Internet Day 2013
Today the Insafe and INHOPE networks (the European network of Safer Internet Centres and the International Association of Internet Hotlines respectively), are celebrating Safer Internet Day (SID) for the tenth year running. An initiative of the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme, this day marks an annual opportunity to engage in making the internet a safer… -
Safer Internet Day
A safer Internet week will take pleace in Estonia from 04.02 – 10.02 2013 led by „Targalt internetis“ project. Conference “My footprint online” (“Minu jalajälg internetis”) will be held in Tartu on February 7th, where the focus is on the rights and responsibilities of children and youth on the Internet. Presentations are given by Priit… -
48 countries worldwide join forces to fight child sexual abuse online
On 5 December, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström together with US Attorney General Eric Holder will launch a Global Alliance against Child Sexual Abuse Online. The initiative aims to unite decision-makers all around the world to better identify and assist victims and to prosecute the perpetrators. Participants at the launch include Ministers and… -
Estonian Hotline received international acknowledgement
Last week the annual conference of INHOPE – the association joining Hotlines of different countries – took place in Amsterdam, where the work of the Estonian Hotline www.vihjeliin.ee in blocking the spreading of materials containing sexual abuse of children was also acknowledged and Estonia’s full membership in the international network was confirmed. The web-based Hotline managed by… -
The project Youth Panel chose new members
The “Targalt internetis” project youth seminar took place on October 25th-27th in Kloogaranna youth camp. 26 active students aged 10-16 from 9 schools from all over Estonia and their coordinators participated in the seminar. During the seminar, the project trainers organized thematic workshops and tried out lesson schedules for kids aged 10-12 and 13-16, durings… -
Trainer searching competition
Tiger Leap Foundation announces a competition for finding trainers. The web-safety project ‘Smartly on the Web’ („Targalt Internetis“), implemented by Tiger Leap Foundation, NPO Estonian Union for Child Welfare, NPO Estonian Help Centers and Police and Border Guard Board, is looking for new trainers, whose task would be carrying out informational programs for students, teachers…
Teavitusmaterjalide kogumikust leiate infot:
- laste seas populaarsete rakenduste kohta;
- teemad, mida laste ja noortega arutada, et nad oskaksid teha internetis teadlikumaid valikuid;
- tööriistad – ülesanded, videod, mängud jpm, mida koos laste ja noortega teemade käsitlemiseks ja teemade üle arutamiseks kasutada.